Courses taken at Arizona State University Masters of Geological Sciences (2017-2020)
Fall 2017
Structural Geology (class and lab)
Advanced Field Geology
Thermal Spectroscopy & Instrument Design
Exploration Learning: What would the Earth be like without life?
Spring 2018
Python for Graduate Research 
Fall 2018
Meteorites & Cosmochemistry
Graduate K-12 STEM Education
Geofluids (Fluid mechanics)
SESE Prison Education Program
Spring 2019
SESE Prison Education Program
Science Communication
Fall 2019
SESE Prison Education Program
Human Rights and Sustainability
Spring 2020
SESE Prison Education Program
Thesis Credits
Courses taken at Colgate University 
BA of Geology (2013-2017)
First year (2013-2014)
The Sixth Extinction (Paleontology) 
Calculus II
Religion, Science & the Environment
Ancient States and Empires (Archaeology) 
Legacies of the Ancient World
Evolution of the Planet Earth (geology class and lab)
Volcanology (class and lab)
Second year (2014-2015)
Rwanda (Political science) 
Introduction to Creative Writing: Nonfiction
Mineralogy (class and lab)
Fundamental Physics I (class and lab)
Challenges of Modernity
Petrology (class and lab)
Fundamental Physics II (class and lab)  
The Social World of Oceans (history)
Third year (Fall 2015)
Solid Earth Processes
Multivariable Calculus
Fourth year (2016-2017)
Planetary science
General Chemistry I (class and lab)
Stratigraphy & Sedimentation (class and lab)
Solid Earth Processes
General Chemistry II (class and lab)
Poetry Writing Workshop
Yes Means Yes (positive sexuality class)